Get Ready For His Test!

Allah will inevitably test His believing servants according to their level of faith, as it recorded in the authentic Hadits: " The people most severely tested are The Prophets, then the righteous, then the next best and next best. A man will be tested in accordance with the degree of his religious commitment, the stronger his religious commitment, the stronger his test. " Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, knows what has happened in the past and what is yet to come, and He knows how that which will not happen would have happened if it were to happen. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahhu Akbar!

Shift your life to a better one..

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. This shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. Whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don't have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. You start to be grateful for all the things that you feel good about.

Words of wisdom

"Every man knows that when his wife is appreciating him for the little things that he does, what does he want to do? He wants to do more. It's always about appreciation. It pulls things in. It attracts support."

Appreciate all the people around you, you will be appreciated.
Insya ALLAH. God willing.

Aku, Buku dan Cinta..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Aku, Buku dan Cinta. This is one of my favourite books in my own library. =) The author is Dr. Aidh Al-Qarni, the writer of 'La Tahzan' bestseller book. Maybe it was just like other books from the outside, but the inside is very different, for me. It had woke me up.

" buku adalah hidupku. buku adalah temanku. buku adalah sahabatku. buku adalah kekasihku. buku adalah kegembiraanku. buku adalah makananku. buku adalah airku. buku adalah perkara yang paling setia yang berada disampingku. bila aku bersedih, buku tidak akan lari memberi peransang dan semangat kembali pada diriku. bila aku menangis, buku mengajarku senyum kembali dan melupakan aku terhadap perkara yang merunsingkan akal fikiranku.

buku tidak akan lari.
tidak akan buat aku kecewa.
tidak akan buat ku bersedih.

Kita, umat islam sebenarnya adalah umat 'membaca'. Kenapa? kerana wahyu pertama yang disampaikan oleh Allah melalui Jibrail kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A\.W adalah 'iqra' ". Ini jelas membuktikan keutamaan kita mengamalkan sikap suka membaca dalam kehidupan sebagai seorang manusia.

Cuba anda bayangkan jika sekarang anda tidak dapat membaca lembaran ini. Pasti anda tidak akan mendapat satu apapun manfaat dari lembaran ini jika itu berlaku. Dan , tanpa nikmat membaca ini juga tidak mungkin kemajuan dan ilmu yang diwarisi dari Ulama' ulama' dan cendekiawan-cendekiawan zaman lalu akan sampai kepada kita. 

amat rugilah orang yang tidak menggunakan  nikmat yang diberi ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. amat rugilah orang yang berkata 'aku benci buku!!' 'aku tak suka membaca!'. 

apabila anda dikelilingi dengan pelbagai kisah, sejarah masa lampau dan pelbagai ilmu lain didalam dada anda melalui pembacaan yang meluas, pasti hidup anda tidak akan terasa sunyi dan kosong. hidup anda dikelilingi pelbagai coretan minda pendeta ilmu, ulama', cendekiawan ulung, sultan-sultan, dan sebagainya. walaupun zaman mereka telah berlalu, tetapi kita masih boleh merasai kewujudan zaman mereka apabila kita membaca.

Hargailah segala nikmat yang telah diberi Allah kepada kita.
Setiap sesuatu yang dianugerahimya pastikan ada hikmahnya.
Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. ALLAHUAKBAR! "  

i miss my old friendss..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

everytime when i look at my pencil box, my books, my papers, my shoes, and every single thing of my ex-school stuff, i just know there is one feeling in my heart..i miss ex classmates, teachers, ustaz, ustazah, and my ex school...

i love all of them..
i miss them..
nothing can grab the memories we had together..
sometime, i will cry alone when i saw their picture..

i hope..
really hope..
may ALLAH always protects them everywhere they are, whatever they are doing, and with whoever they are..

to all my fellow friends..
i love you all...
thanks for everything..
may our ukhuwwah remains forever..

it's hard to be me

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am a student in a tahfiz college somewhere in Malaysia. Everyday, i need to memorize 6 page of the Holy Quran and read again what i had memorized  with my ustazah. Sometime, i will ask myself, 'cha, what is your future aiming now??..


i always got that question in my mind..

i feel like i didnt know who i am all this while. i lost.
but. i know i cannot be like that..for the sake of my own.. thing fore sure..i feel very grateful to ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY cause had choose me as one of many other people to have the chance in memorizing His Revealed Book and the Most important, is to TADABBUR the Holy Quran. Although this path is not as easy as other things i had done before, but i know this is one of the best ni'mah that He had gives to me..may Allah protects me from all the bad things.. Alhamdulillah..all praises is to Allah.. 

ALLAH is everywhere..i must continue my long journey..
my aim in my life is..TO BE ME..a perfect human creature that ALLAH made in His Earth..


:: let's spread the words of tauhid! ::

:: Asmaul Husna ::

one of Allah's servant

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i'm proud to be a muslim

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